
Headache is a symptom where we feel the pain in the head.. as well as in the neck. Besides, the upper back pain also included as headache..

Most of us having headache before, majority cases come from female.. It happens when they having their menstrual period..

Headache is a major sickness that human have.. Don't worry, headache is harmless and self limiting.
For further information.. There are several factors that lead to headache:-
(1) stressful lifestyle
(2)eyes tension(e.g : reading some material for a long period)
(3)cell phone(e.g : talking on phone for hours)
(4)particular foods
(5)sedentary(sitting for a period of time)

We shall aviod stressful lifestyle in order to get rid of headache.. Enjoy life and have the best time with your beloved ones.. =)

In addition, aviod sedentary for period of time.. Get your body active and do more exercises~

Well, there is report saying that human who is lean but sedentary wil get 55% risk on death..
55%~! it's not a small ammout of number.. Thus, Get yourself MOVIN' with the wonderful and colourful world ^^

By :
SzeYing [a]lso [k]nown [a]s Maru

Get yourself MOVIN' ^^


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