
Showing posts from 2012

PLS 1 Million Likes (Shelter Home for Children)

Help a children in need. You can make a difference for this world! Just a click on and you will be notifying with current events and ongoing issues. 若我们能伸出援手,我们都能改变世界。一个简单的步骤,一个赞。 便能让我们跟进他们的脚步,一同迈步。 为我们的未来加油加油咯!

懒散。也忘不了担忧 。

好久没更新了~ 这几天都在病中准备周一的面试。 每天包云吞很是辛苦,但都坚持下来了。 不过。。还是败给了一个字!----- 懒! 也许是生病的关系,给自己的压力也特别大。(喉咙不舒服,说话不是那么的清晰) 深怕会影响面试,但又不想看医生 (浪费钱嘛  (∩_∩) ) 惟有每天祷告   明天会好起来的说。 其实一直以来对自己没什么信心的我   还是很紧张。 不过,我会加油!把最好的表现出来。 噢对了!Daddy在这个星期四买了双鞋子给我!其实啊,是我们到鞋店去看鞋。 他知道我买鞋子是为了面试后,便再付钱时说,“这个你面试的鞋子,我来给钱。” 听了之后其实还蛮开心和感动的~因为我老爸是一位名副其实的老实人。不虚假、不交际、不浪漫。。。 好啦部落格,我想我不能够在偷懒啦!要加油才行!下次再谈咯~ 晚安咯~  ≖‿≖

Bro's wedding photo shoot (*^▽^*)

Today I've gone to my brother's wedding photo shoot in France Taipei located at Penang! As preparation, I woke up at 6.30 in the morning and get myself prepared for the joyous day. I've get myself a pretty make up done by my pretty cousin! ✿1. My second time in wearing fake eye lashes. Picture shown is me myself that trying to be cool and smart. Lol. ✿2.My family portrait that taken outside of France Taipei, Penang.(∩_∩) Onemore photo before preparation for classes tomorrow >. ✿3. Me myself with Xiao xiao Niie =) Yawn* Gonna stop writing or else I won't have time to sleep. =( Night night my blog.

In ♡ with bazaar's sales (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

Went to Nature's Farm at Jaya One yesterday to buy honehhh for my mommy and I. We got to know there's a bazaar sales accidentally. "Many art crafts!! I want to shop I want to shop!" I told my boyfriend excitedly. Then, we walked through many many stalls and keep on shopping after having lunch at sushi king. The foods over there couldn't satisfy us any more, perhaps, it's due to many other outstanding Japanese restaurants. Back to bazaar shopping! I've bought some handmade sewing items! ✿1. They include nylons and cottons as well as cute tags and button! Aren't they cute?? Like them all so so much! (●♡∀♡) However, I did not manage to buy clothes because the time was too limited for me. So I thinking of buying clothes and other accessories today. I thought the bazaar is like few days during weekend. But I was wrong. The bazaar lasts for only one day yesterday. This news made me kinda upset(≧σ≦). Fortunately, my caring boyfriend brought me to KLCC for ano...

♡ Isetan & Kinokuniya ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

Went to KLCC again on last Sunday. The reason I go KLCC is always Isetan and Kinokuniya!♡ Isetan.. The story behind Isetan shopping spree started two years ago when I first saw Rilakkuma was selling there. ✿ 1. This is my first Rilakkuma. I'm calling him Xiiao Bian now, meaning pee in Mandarin. I'm bad and I know it! XD Anyways, I've got myself a set of food container which can be used as lunch box last Sunday teehee. 。◕‿◕。 ✿ 2. This is the "lunch box" a.k.a. bento box that I've bought! Like it so soo much and they're very rigid! Another view of it. 3 boxes! =) Another reason that I love Isetan is about variety of clothes and Japanese foods! The foods are fresh and not that expensive. ♡ Ohh haven't write about Kinokuniya. I've in love with that shop since I was small, age about 10-12, which was the first visit of mine to KLCC. I've bought a Snoopy sticker + colouring book, but I cherished it and still keep it. Only a few of the stickers were us...

Our first visit to Dreamz Bakery 。◕‿◕。

Yesterday was a relax day for both of us. We went to Dreamz Bakery for high tea. ✿ The logo of Dreamz Bakery. ✿ The shop is located at the first floor of the shop-lots. Therefore, we missed out the shop for the first time we passing by. However we managed to get there when we found this logo ^^. That place is very cosy. We loved it very much 。◕‿◕。 ✿ Here were the foods and beverages that we've ordered. ★ 1 Tiramisu RM8.90 ★ 2 Caramel layer cake RM9.90 if not mistaken. ★ 3 Latte I made this love shape latte just for fun :p ★ 4 Orange Macaroon with ice-cream. RM 12.90 My first macaroon in life. Oyiishi! ★ 5 Carbonara Spaghetti RM12.90. Those foods are very delicious indeed! We will definitely go for second time. We love the environment there as well as the people over there.。◕‿◕。 ✿ Oh ya! We've also made our own card to hang in the shop. Isn't it nice? Haha~ Self praising pula. :P I guess I'll write till here. Byebye my blog for today. ♡

乱七八糟 ( ・_・)ノ

不懂应该记录些什么,但却好想把自己的想法记录下来。 刚刚翻阅了一些自己以前在部落格上的点点滴滴,搞得自己哭笑不得。 很好笑 因为发现自己也有感性与真诚的一面。 很感动 因为现在的我成长了。 老实说,今天工作的蛮累的 但现在却精神奕奕的在部落格上edit这个edit那个的。 我与我的他为了把一首歌放上部落格 弄了将近一个小时 真是搞笑。 最后我们也成功地把 宫崎骏作品之一《千与千寻》 其中一首音乐 Waltz of Chihiro 放入部落格里了!开心! \(´▽`★)/ 在睡前 post 上一些照片吧~ 是今年我们第六年情人节的一些照片~嘻嘻。 ✿ 忙里偷闲* 在 SOGO 的 Secret Recipe 享用午餐。我们点了个情人节套餐。蛮好吃的哟! ✿ 睡前我们还来个 Chocolate Fondue! 好好吃!。◕‿◕。 今天都是些开心的回忆~ *工作除外* 晚安咯,我的部落格。

对不起,部落格。( ̄个 ̄)

噢噢~差点把这个blog给忘记了! 好久好久没跟你报道了呀。对不起,对不起。 最近的生活还过得蛮好的,工作也逐渐上手,孩子们都还好。(一样调皮)*哈哈!* 噢,对了! 四月初政府将拟好新的合约。 希望政府能够给予好消息给我们这些临教吧。 其实啊,我们的工作岗位都与其他科任老师一样。 希望在新的一年里,再也不会有人戴有色眼镜来看待我们。=) 还有还有,这个周末我们有福了!一连四天的假期(包括周末)。 嘻嘻!继新年后的第一个充电期!我们哪,当然要好好的利用咯! 话不多收,我得赶快写好今天的佛经。准备今晚的好节目咯!。◕‿◕。 在此我贴上一个可爱的照片~ 是我最近制作 Google Chrome Theme 的图片~ 你们若喜欢也能够到以下网址去下载。(◕‿◕✿) 晚安咯~ ☆