Garfield And Nermal~

On 31th jan 2OO9..
I was at my bf house and we went to the KFC near to his house to have our lunch.. Right after we had ordered our set lunch i saw a pair of cute soft toy that are selling at there!
Its a gift from Chicky meal..
But we had ordered our "adult" set..
Then how?!

Therefore my bf bought them with extra RM8 lol...
After we bought it i put as my msn profile picture and it caught my cousin attention and he went to buy too... lol !
He even bought two sets = ="

Here are some snapshot for our "fewfew" and "nini"

Before Opening ~ :D

Cute Couple on the bed =x

They are so cute right?

If your answer is YES, go to the nearest KFC to get one set by your own too! :D



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