
Showing posts from 2011


最近发生了好多事情。。。 不想在面子书里说出来,所以选择了在这里倾诉。 最近教书方面有些改善了。五个班级中的其中三个班级都好一些了,功课居多交上了。是值得开心庆祝的事情。 但是~有一个班级好头疼!几乎全班都自以为是。不但如此,他们还向我骂粗口,说脏话!很是过份! 下周便是他们的第二期中考,我不希望他们成绩退步。但是他们的态度,在经期内更是严重!在班中不但没听课,还到处乱逛,玩我的麦克风,开google等。所以昨天的我很不开心,把情绪带到了办公室。 今天洗澡时相通了。。再多么难教的孩子,我也会尽力且尽可能不带情绪回办公室!如学生们有任何差错或对我不礼貌,我将一切秉公办理!将事情告知班级任老师!不不不!星期一必须跟班机任老师拿犯罪记录簿记录下来并告诉她!! 唉。。。*希望我能做到做好吧* ヽ(´ー`)┌


最近忽然觉得能够一家人在一起真的不容易 尤其是女儿呀。 其实最近妈咪经常工作的很累 虽然不在身边 但我亦能清楚知道 她正在努力工作。 努力地很少给我电话 信息已很少回复。 想到这里 我不禁 含泪。 真的很希望八月快快到!那我就能够拿到薪水。然后再给妈咪一些钱 好让她不必再那么辛苦 接那些辛苦的工作。 星期一要到啦!今天的我 为明天备了课 新的学期 我也有了新的目标。但愿我身边的他也能够顺顺利利啦! 下星期是父亲节 我这个女儿 真希望能到他去吃什么好料的!哈哈!但是没什么钱。希望他不会介意咯! 今天还打电话去跟他说 父亲节快乐,真的很搞笑!哈哈!> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我干嘛画个线?是妈咪打电话给我啦!妈咪竟然在我含泪时给我个电话呀!真糟糕!搞到我刚刚说话有根硬的感觉 都无法好好的交谈。但是至少我知道妈咪 今早过得还不错 因为不用工作!=)但晚上就得工作了。 没关系 没关系!妈咪,爹地 我会努力!努力工作的!


啊!两个星期的假期将要结束了。 真的难以置信!14天过地太快了啦。真不想工作。哈哈! 昨天刚刚从槟城回来 很不舍得妈咪和阿婆呢。回去那四天都没时间去探望阿嫲与阿公 希望他们不要介意啦。 > 阿婆病了 所以天天都到阿婆家去看他老人家 希望阿婆能够健健康康咯。 所真的,我还蛮希望能够在槟城工作。 一来 能够陪妈咪多些,照顾她多些(只怕到头来是她照顾我咧 > 二来 能够经常去探望我家的三个老人家。 三来 能够吃很多好吃的食物!(KL 这里不是很好吃啦) 所以啊 希望有天我们俩能够回槟城工作啦。就以这个为目标吧!=) 星期一我们俩就要开工咯!希望一切顺顺利利啦!政府啊 别再让我们失望了,好吗?(/_\) 哎哟 好像越写越长了呀。就此搁keyboard吧。拜!=)

Going back Home town ^^v

I've informed to continue teaching BM two days ago =) My boyfriend will gotto know the subjects that he will teach on coming Friday. Been busy these days so did not update the blog~ Been.. -Accompanying cousin to buy her prom clothes, shoes and mask~ *Did not shopping for some time =( Really wish to get salary soon lol* -Preparing slides for pupils yesterday -Mapling! Haha.. Still like a child who loves to play online games =p -Studying Japanese for upcoming JLPT test > Anyways, I'm going back to home town tomorrow! Finally gotto see my mommy, granmom and bro again =) And of course, my zi mui ^^ Guess I cant online until next Friday and my blog would be very blank too. See ya soon, my virtual diary =)

5th Anniversary

Yesterday was 31th May 2011.. It was our 5th anniversary. Happy Anniversary baby once again if you reading this. =) As usual, we spent our 24 hours together.. We chatted about the day we first met. It was really cute. We don't expect that we could go that far that time. I feel that it is really amazing =) We made our breakfast together yesterday. Just like what we did daily. But usually, he prepared breakfast because I can't wake up early >. Here is the picture of it =) The love shape is made up of chilli sauce which is his favourite when he eats fried eggs =) My burger was near to the lens which is covered. I've think of making an amazing lunch for him for this year anniversary. But end up cook a very simple curry mee for him.. due to some budget problem and so on. I'm really sorry baby =( I would make a better one next time I swear ='( Here is how it looks like. Similar to the breakfast. I squeeze chilli sauce on top of the eggs. I made a love shape fried eggs ...

My First Teacher's Day

I've enjoyed the first teacher's day in my life yesterday. I've always worry that I would get nothing from pupils as I've just taught them for roughly 3 weeks. But fortunately I managed to get some presents. Hee. Atleast, not so embarrassing =) Tadah~ Here is the image of total presents that I received. Not so much in compared with teachers over there but I cherished every present received from them. They are very cute and some of the pupils that I teach took part in performing during Teacher's Day! Here you go~ Some of the standard five pupils that I teach took part in Choir! They reminds me of the old time of mine when I first joined Choir as well as Choral speaking during secondary school~ We don't have choir and choral speaking during primary school time. The pupils nowadays are very lucky to have such a good opportunities to get involve. *How I wish I can teach them to sing. Ehehe. Quite impossible* =) Mr. Magic performed some magic. I known it's quite ...


打从去年开始 我们都希望有一天可以一起工作 一起下班。 三星期前的今天 我们得知愿望可以实现。当时我们很开心!很兴奋!连我们的父母都非常开心! 但是今天 我们又得知 愿望也许毁灭。是天意么?我坚信 只要努力 我们会有一起工作的一天。 说真的 今早得知的消息令我们不开心。但日子还是要过 但愿星期五之前, 不 不 不,是星期四之前 能够知道答案且希望答案如我们所愿吧。 晚安咯,部落格。


见家长的那一天你陪着我 尽管是在校外等候 足以让我安心。 整个会议从开始到结束 我发现原来是小朋友与家长的错。 他们的任性 调皮 漠视老师的态度 令人发指! 而我们 身为老师的 就必须教导他们 指引光明道路。*但愿 3,5 年后的我做得到* 其实这些都言之过早 希望一些顺利吧! 坚持的信念!真的很重要呢! 就让我用幸福将这个post画上句点 。 我和你的早餐 简单中の幸福


做了一个半星期了,我真的不懂该不该留下。 一直徘徊于坚持与放弃之间,好痛苦。 明天又有一个case。家长要见我们。真不知该如何是好,一整天,模模糊糊的。很不开心。

Happy Teacher's Day!

First of all, I would like to say Happy Teacher's day to every teacher! Even though it's almost end. Haha.. I just knew that today is Teacher's Day during perhimpunan.. Hehe.. I did not receive any present today (As expected), but I get one handmade clover from a standard four student. =) He told me it brings good luck to me. Yes I know clover brings good luck. I hope it does. The school's teacher'day celebration drops on coming Thursday. Honestly I do wish to get some presents too! Haha just simply hope to get. Ahhh, whatever. I don't think I would get one =x. I also hope that I able to join the Teacher's day every year, if nothing bad happens in the future that made me quit... But hey! Think positively! =) Gotto do class teaching preparation notes. Gotta go! Good night my virtual diary. =)

Work smart, but not work hard. I'm still learning and always learning!

After a week of working I realized that working is really quite tiring. I've been sleeping for 3 hours right after work yesterday. The moment I awake, I felt that I've slept for a whole night!! The tiredness is totally "awesome". "Work smart but not work hard". A common phrase that I've always hear. I'm learning to work smart so that I don't feel too tired after work. There're still much more that I need to learn. I believe the old teachers there are still learning too! 所谓"学到老,活到老"嘛,哈哈!Suddenly bumped out Chinese phrase. We've got a bad news, which is regarding receiving salary after 3 months of working. It will really tight us up in home always. So sad. =( But life goes on. I always do reading recently. Not only BM books but also some other books like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", 《富爸爸,有钱道理》. I wish I can read more books so that I can be more knowledgeable for the children =) Uh oh!!! I guess it's time to rest and enjoy m...

Taught 3 hours in a row today! Superb tired!

Today is a very tiring day... Taught 3 hours in a row and an hour after one hour's break. Hungry and yet many works to deal with. Oh no -.-" Luckily I have my boyfriend who willing to help me with my works. Loves him lots lots! We also went to KPLI seminar today at a primary school right besides Times Squares~ It's very very pretty!! Unfortunately I did not take photo of it but... I stole it's photo from internet.. Nyek nyek!! That's all today! Good night!

Busy as a GSTT

Being a GSTT isvery tiring actually. I kinda get a panda eyes just for two days!! Geramnya!! Woke up at 630am and sleep at 1130pm is the first tiring things for me. Following by shouting in class and busying controlling students. Busy life continued with tons of activities to remember and preparing study materials.. I checked every word from simple to hard in order to let them fully understand. I hope they will appreciate this hardworking teacher. *Seems impossible* -.-" Anyways.... GOTTO SLEEP ALREADY!! HUUUU!!!!! =(

I've been taken =)

Wooahhh. I've got slotted as temporary teacher next week!! Totally excited for it and barely feel sleepy =(! Been sick the whole day and keep on sneezing. Hope will be alright soon~

3rd May!! come QUICKLY!

I feel super duper tiring when I come across memorizing notes. 3rd May is my next final exam paper which requires me to memorize many many many notes!! I am so damn weak in memorizing!! Argh!!! Gonna insane. Sobs!! T_T