After a week of working I realized that working is really quite tiring. I've been sleeping for 3 hours right after work yesterday. The moment I awake, I felt that I've slept for a whole night!! The tiredness is totally "awesome". "Work smart but not work hard". A common phrase that I've always hear. I'm learning to work smart so that I don't feel too tired after work. There're still much more that I need to learn. I believe the old teachers there are still learning too! 所谓"学到老,活到老"嘛,哈哈!Suddenly bumped out Chinese phrase. We've got a bad news, which is regarding receiving salary after 3 months of working. It will really tight us up in home always. So sad. =( But life goes on. I always do reading recently. Not only BM books but also some other books like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", 《富爸爸,有钱道理》. I wish I can read more books so that I can be more knowledgeable for the children =) Uh oh!!! I guess it's time to rest and enjoy m...